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Where is it going? 

Throughout the years softball has become a more known sport. it Originated in the United States in 1887 and now more countries are beginning to play. Softball has been played in multiple variations around the world, may that be "mush-ball" or "Diamond ball". the United States has begun to try and advocate softball in other countries and try to get women more involved in sports. The rules of softball have been changing for the better and new rules and regulations are added every year.  In 1934, the Joint Rules Committee on Softball collaborated to create a set of standardized rules . Up until this point, the game was being played with varied rules, player positions, and ball sizes. The original softball used was 16 inches in circumference. However, the man responsible for organizing softball games for firefighters in Minneapolis, used a 12-inch ball. Rober’s ball won out as the preferred softball size, and professional softball games today are played using a 10–12-inch ball. However, many Chicagoans still hold fast to the belief that real softball is played using a 16-inch ball. Games using these 16-inch balls are often referred to as “cabbage ball,” “super slow pitch,” and “mush ball,” and unlike competitive softball, players are not allowed to wear fielding gloves.

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